Tasting Genoa
Why wouldn’t you take advantage of your visit of our beautiful city to join a cooking course? Why wouldn’t you improve your knowledge of our interesting country by learning the secrets of Italian cooking?
Our courses and individual lessons are available to anybody, beginners or more practised persons. Our courses are hands-on, provided for nine students at the most. The students prepare the dishes themselves, guided and helped by our teachers. We offer as well, for larger groups, cooking demonstrations: the teacher prepares the dishes step by step in front of the participants.We offer lessons in French or in English, to be planned case by case. To people wishing to practise their italian during the lessons, we recommend to join a regular group course.
We offer a choice of either Italian classic or local typical cooking courses and lessons. All the participants will receive the recipes’s texts – in Italian, English or French – to take away. Every lesson is about three hours long. Afterwards the students and the teachers eat and comment on the different dishes they have made. Specific local wines are served as well. The students having joined the practical courses will be presented with an apron with our school’s logo. We will be happy to draw up a personal estimate.
For this, we only need to know the exact number of lessons you want, their dates and schedule, your choice of Italian or local cooking and if you want to join a group course or take individual lessons. For any further information, thank you for emailing us, we will do for the best to help you in any way: info@chefpercaso.it
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